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The theatre helps me to relax

„In 1992, it was certainly a courage to take risks and also a healthy dose of audacity. For us, even a simple fax machine was a necessity and a luxury. Communication was more demanding compared to today. Mobile phones were not part of everyday life,“ says Jiří Chytrý.

Jiří, what were your beginnings in Facility Management?

It has been a long journey that began in 1992. In that year I decided to start a company with a colleague that specialized in facility services. Back then it was called facilities management or housekeeping. At first, our company focused on cleaning services, but over time we were able to provide technical building maintenance as well. And our portfolio of services grew steadily over time to include, for example, flooring installation, painting and minor construction work. We also started to focus more on technical building management.

What did you consider most important at that time?

In 1992, it was certainly courage to take risks and also a healthy dose of audacity. For us, even a simple fax machine was a necessity and a luxury. Communication was more difficult compared to today. Mobile phones were not part of everyday life. I can’t imagine managing my team today without a mobile phone (laughs).

What was your first big contract?

In 2003, I met the owner of one of the largest cleaning companies on the market and decided to sell him my share in the company. This decision seemed to be the right one. I was able to stay in the company, which became part of a multinational FM company in 2008. My first big client was in the aerospace industry and also a networking contract for an automotive client in the Czech Republic and Slovakia. At the age of forty I also started learning English, which I highly recommend to everyone because it is never too late. Thanks to my language skills I got the opportunity to work for an international department and it was a very interesting challenge.

Could you tell us what that was about?

This was a global contract in the building materials industry. I was in charge of a client where we were implementing integrated facility management in a pilot project. This assignment took me to Malaysia, where we faced extremely high temperatures and 90% humidity. Even in these conditions, we had to use all PPE such as helmets, goggles, high boots and long sleeves. There were five manufacturing plants where more than a thousand employees worked. On a daily basis, I worked with the operations manager of the local FM company, so it was easier for me to quickly get used to the cultural differences with his help. For example, it was very challenging to negotiate prices with subcontractors on an island accessible only by air or by boat (which meant a 3 hour cruise).

How was the homecoming?

It took me a while to get used to our climate, but it didn’t take long. What I remember most was that I missed the experience of eating. When I returned, everything seemed bland and without much flavor.

Jiří, what position do you hold in OKIN Facility?

I manage a team of revision technicians who operate within the Czech Republic. This position is demanding mainly on the organization of work. However, at OKIN we have an open and innovative approach, which brings many advantages. Also, thanks to the support of our colleagues who are in charge of the administrative agenda, we are able to manage everything to the satisfaction of our clients. Thanks to the great team that I took over from my predecessor (note: the current OKIN Facility Director for the Czech Republic, Zdeněk Kulhánek), the working procedures are well set up. I also really appreciate the fact that I got the chance to work in this position, even though I am no longer a young man.

What exactly is the innovation and openness that you appreciate?

We use a wide range of modern technologies, including IOT or our own DRIVE app. Thanks to complete digitalization we get an accurate overview of our orders. The big advantage is that we can access all OKIN systems from any location. When I started in 1992, I had one computer for the whole company, and that was still without internet.

What are your ideas about the future of facility management and where do you think the field will be heading in a few years?

It is clearly digitalization that improves access to information and increases the efficiency and productivity of processes and procedures. Thanks to digital systems, we are already able to collect and analyse a wide range of data.  I also expect AI to be used, especially in routine activities. In any case, skilled and manually skilled technicians who perform inspection and maintenance tasks on facilities will always be one of the important links in FM processes. The human factor will certainly remain at the forefront of our industry.

Jiří, I’d like to change the subject now. I know you have a great hobby – you play in amateur theatre. How does it feel to leave the role of a manager and enter the role of an actor?

I am active in a small theatre group that has gained popularity in my place of residence. I’ve fallen in love with the theatre and we mainly do comedy. The comedy genre is full of opportunities for creativity and audience interaction. Theatre serves as a way for me to let off steam. It’s also a good way to exercise my memory. I’m currently performing in Mr. Swan’s Tenants. It’s a comedy about the abuse of welfare and various benefits.

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